End of the Game banner featuring helicopters from Apocalypse Now over a sunset background
  • Hamsa Meditation

    Hamsa Meditation

    If you have never given meditation a chance, then today is your lucky day! Here is a great technique that you can start practicing first thing before bed tonight – it is a short but potent mantra called ‘hamsa‘ and originates from the ancient practice of Kriya Yoga. Ham and Sa (pronounced hum sah) are…

  • Introduction to Music Theory

    Introduction to Music Theory

    If you are a musician without the time or money to study a music theory course, then here is the goods, delivered right to your computer. I’m missing units 1 and 8, but the rest is intact. Also included are homework assignments to further enhance the learning process. Music theory is a long, but fascinating…

  • Jungian Psychology: Psychological Types

    Jungian Psychology: Psychological Types

    Did you know that there are people out there who are exactly like you, only you might not have met them yet? And I mean exactly like you. A long time ago, the late-great psychoanalyst Carl Jung developed a personality profiling system in his book ‘Psychological Types‘. This model was converted into a simple psychological…

  • Reflections on Technology and Self

    Reflections on Technology and Self

    “‘You engage in an exchange of emails or instant messages or Facebook updates. Is the unknown respondent another person, or is it a bot? Is it someone, or is it a computer program passing as a person? You want to know. Based only on the conversation, can you judge whether the other is human or…

  • Mandala Meditation

    Mandala Meditation

    Mandalas (meaning “circle” in Sanskrit) are an important element in Buddhist and Hindu spirituality; they are symbolic diagrams, which are used extensively in sacred rites and as an instrument of meditation. A typical mandala is of a circle enclosed within a square, which has four gates – one on each side. The gates are often…

  • Proof That Aliens Exist?

    Proof That Aliens Exist?

    This amazing video on crop circles will blow your mind. These things pop up over night and feature geometric patterns so large, symmetric and intricate, that it would take a whole team of humans months to complete. A few companies, such as firefox, have created crop circles for advertising purposes, and even they took a…

  • Vox AC4TV Mod Guide

    Vox AC4TV Mod Guide

    I have had my Vox AC15 for about 5 years now, and sometime last year I decided to get it a little brother: the Vox AC4TV. This tiny little 4w tube amp is incredible value for money. It only cost around $300 and is completely tube driven with 1 12AX7 preamp tube and 1 EL84…

  • Vox AC15 Mod Guide

    Vox AC15 Mod Guide

    What follows is a retrospective journey of me and my Vox AC15 amp. Most of the mods I performed were inspired by the guide found here, so you should definitely check it out if you’re considering doing some mods of your own. So I’ve had my trusty Vox AC15 amp for 5 years now… where does…

  • Guide to Extract Analysis

    Guide to Extract Analysis

    Extract analysis is when you take an extract from a film, book or a play, and you analyse the selected text and put it into context. Extract analyses are a great way to to hone your writing skills and ability to flesh out ideas and themes. The best way to describe the process of extract…