Guide to Writing Fiction
A plot is the skeleton of a story, and is therefore essential to any work of fiction. If you plan on writing a story without a plot, don’t even expect your mother to read it, yet alone the rest of the world. In this guide, we’re going to outline a bulletproof formula to plan and…
How to Write a Language Analysis Essay
This post is an extension to my previous guide: Journalism 101: Language Analysis. The ability to analyse how language is used to persuade an audience is critical to any journalist; it is also handy knowledge for daily readers of the news so they can avoid being manipulated by crafty journalists. Once you have learnt all…
Guide to Language Analysis
The most fundamental aspect to Journalism, and a skill that is drilled into students of the field before anything else is language analysis. Why? (you may ask). Simple: because journalists are required to write persuasively in order to subtly sway the reader into thinking or believing x instead of y. Before they can develop the…
Guide to Extract Analysis
Extract analysis is when you take an extract from a film, book or a play, and you analyse the selected text and put it into context. Extract analyses are a great way to to hone your writing skills and ability to flesh out ideas and themes. The best way to describe the process of extract…
Introduction to Textual Analysis
By reading this week’s reading, one can denote that it is a chapter out of a Media Studies book written by a man named Nick Lacey. You can further denote that it is in fact a chapter out of a textbook, whose audience would mainly consist of Media Studies students at school or university. The…